8Crafter's Minecraft Bedrock Edition Addons
These are some of the mods made by 8Crafter
8Crafter's Secret Items Loader BP
This is a behavior pack that allows you to load in all of the secret Bedrock Edition blocks and items that normally require an NBT Editor just by using a structure block. As of version v.3.2.0 you can now also load int he secret painting variants as well. Once you add it to your world then all you have to do is place down a structure block and load in the structure andexsl:secretitems, and then to get the secret entities you load the structure andexsl:secretentities with a structure block. You can also just type these two commands:
/structure load andexsl:secretitems ~~~
/structure load andexsl:secretentities ~~~
Then for the secret paintings jsut use these 6 commands, to get it on different faces of the wall then just load the structure rotated:
/structure load andexsl:earth
/structure load andexsl:water
/structure load andexsl:fire
/structure load andexsl:wind
/structure load andexsl:plant_middle
I provided a direct access link and a work.ink link, if you want to support me then you can use the work.ink link and do the ads, but if you don't want to do the ads then you can just do the direct access link.
Note: If the button below this aren't working for you then here are the URLs:
v.3.2.0(work.ink): https://workink.net/1S0w/mcbesecretitemsv1.1.0
v.3.2.0(Mediafire): https://www.mediafire.com/file/wwo49c04v46w68q/andex8sl.v.3.2.0.mcpack/file
v.3.1.0(Mediafire): https://www.mediafire.com/file/anmmgibilbo9sns/andex8sl.v.3.1.0.mcpack/file
v.3.0.0(Mediafire): www.mediafire.com/file/i1wwbfdq97wh623/andex8sl.v.3.0.0.mcpack/file
8Crafter's Entity Scale, NBT, and Behavior Modifier Mod RP and BP (was released on 10/22/2023)
This is an add-on that lets you change entity scale, summon all the secret mobs and entities that normally are not summonable like players, ender pearls, shields, tridents, eye of ender signals, etc. It also allows you to change the max health of an entity, change its lava, water, and ground speeds, make it into an NPC, change what types of blocks that it can breathe in, give it a bossbar, make it into a minecart, and even make it immune to damage or even invincible to /kill (Note: All of these also do work on players too). You can also change and also even increase the maximum speed of a minecart. You can also morph into other mobs and entities (Note: the morph mod is currently a work-in progress). You can also tint the color of a player's skin and even make it partially transparent. You can change a plyer's name tags. You can also get an explorer maps for every secret types of structures by using some of the custom loot tables in this addon. This addon also adds custom arrows, TNT cannons, arrow launchers, snowball launchers, etc.
More info on the ModBay page: https://modbay.org/mods/1218-8crafters-entity-scale-and-morph-addon.html
8Crafter's Debug Sticks, Chat Ranks, Chat Commands, Custom UIs, and JavaScript Commands RP and BP (was released on 1/9/2024)
This is a behavior pack that adds the debug stick, it also allows you to have ranks in the chat, change you name in the chat, and have custom colors and formatting codes automatically applied to your messages, it also adds some custom chat commands, it also adds three different debug menus, one for the world details, one for player details, and one for entity details, it also adds a player controller that lets you do things like change a players name tag, active selected hotbar slot, change whether or not they have operator permissions, start cooldowns on their items, apply knockback to them, kill them, despawn them, apply damage to them, add effects or tags to them, remove effect or tags from them, teleport them, set them on fire for a certain amount or time, set their spawn point to a very specific point in a specified dimension, etc. Than there is also an entity controller that does a lot of the same stuff as the player controller (except for the stuff that can only be used on the players) but also has a few other features too. Then there is an item modifier that lets you change the lore of an item (you can even use multiple line of text in the lore too), you can also have multiple lines of text in the item names, you can also set the components of an item (like lock in slot, lock in inventory, can destroy, can place on, and also keep on death), you can also trigger item events for custom items, you can also transfer item in between players inventories. Then there it a world controller than lets you do stuff like send internal client messages, set the weather in a specific dimension, send /tellraw messages to all players without needing to type out the /tellraw command, you can also set the world spawn, absolute world time, current time of day, spawn entities, spawn items, spawn particles with specified molang values(so you can use particles that are normally broken with the /particle command), etc. There is also a explosion creator that lets you create custom explosions at specified coordinates with a specified radius, and you can also specify whether or not it causes fire, whether or not it destroys blocks, whether or not it can explode underwater, and also which entity has caused the explosions. There is also a block filler where you can /fill an area with any blocks that you want, including secret block that normally do not show up and are not available with the /tellraw commands.
More info on the ModBay page: https://modbay.org/mods/1240-8crafters-debug-sticks-chat-ranks-custom-ui-and-javascript-commands.html
8Crafter's Pause Menu Button Remover RP (was released on 22/12/2023)
Have you ever wanted to remove the leave game button from the pause menu or even remove the settings, marketplace, and resume game buttons as well? Well, with this resource pack, you can do that!
This resource pack has 5 subpacks: No Save & Quit Button, No Resume Game Button, No Settings Button, No Marketplace Button, and Remove All 4 Buttons.
No Save & Quit Button removes the save & quit button, No Resume Game Button removes the resume game button, No Settings Button removes the settings button, No Marketplace Button removes the marketplace button, and Remove All 4 Buttons removes the Save & Quit, Marketplace, Settings, and Resume Game Buttons.
This texture pack is compatible with ANY other add-on or resource pack.
The No Resume Game Button Subpack
The Remove All 4 Buttons Subpack
More info on the ModBay page: https://modbay.org/textures/1415-8crafters-pause-menu-button-remover.html
8Crafter's Online Player Hider
Have you ever wanted to trick your friends into thinking that you left using /tellraw, but they just look at the online player list and see that you are online, well this texture pack fixes that. This texture pack has 2 sub-packs, one removes the UI element for showing what players are online, the other just removes the part showing their names, makes it so they can't click on a player's name to see their Xbox Profile/Microsoft Account, and also makes the part showing if they are operator blank but still clickable by actual operators. This is especially good if you use my other addon to let you change your name tag and chat name, and then you use /tellraw to say that you left, and then use /tellraw to say that a person with the name that you set your new name tag and chat name to just joined.
8Crafter's World Height Limit Modifier
Have you ever wanted to change the height limit of your world in minecraft bedrock edition, well this is the behavior pack that you need. This pack has many sub-packs, each for a different height range, you jsust scroll through it and find the one for your desired height limit range. This behavior pack actually does modify the height range, you can make even make the height range smaller than it normally is, the smallest range that you can set it to is 16 blocks in total, the maximum range is a total of 1,024 blocks in total. You can make the minimum world height limit go all the down to -512 blocks and the maximum go all the way up to 512 blocks. You can set the minimum and maximum values to any multiple of 16 that are between -512 and 512, as long as the maximum value is at least 16 blocks higher up than the minimum value is. Blocks that are outside of the height range will not get deleted, they just won't get loaded, and once you increase the height range againt hen they will come back into the world again. WARNING!: This add-on will also cause any new unsaved chunks generated while the add-on is active to generate as void chunks!